点击次数:1763  发布时间:2010-08-12  

           该刊作为外国商家进入中国的向导,中国商家走向世界的桥梁。致力于促进中国外向型经济发展, 鼓动中国企业走出国门,主动适应经济全化趋势起到了积极的推动作用。

          As a 64P full-color, 16K sized economic-oriented publication well-known for its unique style Foreign Economic Herald managed by The Group has developed into a major economic media brand in China and abroad. For a decade, the magazine has been published over 130 issues, and has become a major international business publication to enter foreign embassies in China

            As a guide for foreign businesses to access the domestic market, and the bridge for Chinese enterprises to explore the international business, it is devoted to boosting the development of export economy in China and encouraging domestic enterprises to enter the overseas market and to adapt themselves to the general trend of economic globalization.
           The magazine inc ludes columns such as suggestions on national policies, forum for politics, ambassador interviews, foreign economics forum, overseas views, and exhibition information. It is characterized by its insightful opinions, rich contents, innovative formats and exquisite printing, as a result of which it has an influence and reputation across the
industrial and commercial fields at home and abroad.
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